4 Quotes & Sayings By Paula Weston

Paula Weston was born in England in 1968. She is the author of three historical novels (The Redemption, The Sanctuary and The Sword of Heaven), as well as a memoir, The Valley; and over twenty short stories, many of which have been published in anthologies. Her writing has been recognized by the British Fantasy Society and the Royal Literary Fund. She has worked as a journalist and as an editor for several magazines, including Time Out and Harpers & Queen Read more

She currently lives in London.

How can you forgive what I Paula Weston
There’s something in my voice that brings him back to me, overrides his buzz. ‘Gaby’–all traces of playfulness have gone–‘if anything ever happens to me, you’ll be fine. You’re strong enough to look after yourself. I hate to admit it, but you don’t need me. Never did.’ A smile. ‘But listen, nothing is going to happen today. It’s all good.’‘ Jude, we’re high enough up to get a nose bleed.’‘ So come with me.’ I blink. ‘Fuck off.’‘ I mean it. We can do this together.’ He raises his eyebrows at the girl who checked his harness. She nods. I risk looking over the side. There’s a river far beneath us. So far down we can’t hear it. My entire body goes numb.‘ You’ve got about thirty seconds and then I’m going on my own.’ What a choice: watch my brother jump out of this car or put aside my own fear and go with him. Share the recklessness. Why didn’t we go to Paris? We’d be arguing over where to buy cheese right now. Adrenaline begins to burn through me. ‘Screw it.’ Jude breaks into a wide smile. ‘Seriously?’I glance at the yawning space beneath us. ‘Hurry up before I change my mind. Paula Weston
Most stories are based on something real. Paula Weston